Castle of Terror - The Most Infamous Adventure Game! In this blog post you will discover all there is to know about this old graphic adventure game from Melbourne House in 1984. I've laid it out as if I'm playing the game from start to finish with all the locations featured. The 'infamous part' I helped to uncover many years ago is discussed further down, but I suggest your read the whole post to understand the background of this splendid game ; ) My first introduction to this game was when I was just 17 years old (in 1985) after a friend of mine from school had purchased it and invited me over to play it. I remember being very impressed by the title screen and the music score which really set the mood of a gothic horror story, also the graphics looked much better than most other adventure games that existed at the time. Of course you may laugh at their simplicity today, but remember there was only 64 kilobytes of memory to work with on this computer. Loading screen I ...
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